Best answer

So writing code must be the most important thing, correct? If the average programmer writes about 50 lines of production code a day. A 50,000 line program would take 1,000 man days to produce. The 50,000 line listing can be entered by a programmer at about 1,000 lines a day or about 50 man days.

Answered by: Connor Low Date created: Dec 09, 2021

Do coders code all day?

Asked By: Borealid Date created: Dec 05, 2021

On a typical day, a computer programmer can be involved in many different coding projects. Daily duties might include: Writing and testing code for new programs.

Answered By: SirDarius Date created: Dec 08, 2021

How many lines of code is in Windows 10?

Asked By: Johnny Oshika Date created: Dec 09, 2021

50 Million linesThere is approx. 50 Million lines of Code in Windows 10 . . . Power to the Developer!

Answered By: Zirak Date created: Dec 09, 2021

How many lines of code is IOS?

Asked By: user3142695 Date created: Nov 27, 2021

How many millions of lines of code does it take to make the modern program, web service, car, or airplane possible? The range is extraordinary: the average iPhone app has less than 50,000 lines of code, while Google's entire code base is two billion lines for all services.

Answered By: Twisty Date created: Nov 27, 2021

How many lines of code is Minecraft?

Asked By: Stephen Kennedy Date created: Dec 01, 2021

Depending on how you count (whether or not you count blank lines and such), Minecraft: Java Edition has between 160 thousand and 600 thousand lines of code.

Answered By: Dom Date created: Dec 03, 2021

How many lines of code is Windows 7?

Asked By: Alex B Date created: Dec 10, 2021

40 millionWindows Vista (2007), for instance, had 50 million lines of code, while Windows 7 shaved that figure down to 40 million.

Answered By: Ole V.V. Date created: Dec 13, 2021

Is 1000 lines of code a lot?

Asked By: Michael Myers Date created: Dec 02, 2021

It depends a lot on the language. It's easier to write a thousand lines of code in a language if it takes a lot of lines of code to say anything. In a more terse language it would take more time. One thousand lines of code isn't that big.

Answered By: Aquarius_Girl Date created: Dec 03, 2021

How many lines of code are in a AAA game?

Asked By: Samselvaprabu Date created: Dec 06, 2021

ten million linesIt's quite variable - but between half a million and perhaps ten million lines would be a reasonable estimate for a typical "AAA" title.

Answered By: rahulserver Date created: Dec 07, 2021

How many lines of code is Google Chrome?

Asked By: crifan Date created: Nov 26, 2021

Google Chrome (browser) runs on 6.7 million lines of code (upper estimate). A Chevy Volt uses 10 million lines. The Android operating system runs on 12-15 million lines. The Large Hadron Collider uses 50 million lines.

Answered By: Dmitriusan Date created: Nov 26, 2021

How many lines of code is GTA 5?

Asked By: DYZ Date created: Dec 09, 2021

It took 5 years to develop. 100 coders * 5 years * 12 months * 6000 lines = 36 million lines of code. As said by other answers, properly its few millions lines of code over the period of time.

Answered By: bruno-uy Date created: Dec 10, 2021

How many lines of code is Pong?

Asked By: Gass Date created: Nov 28, 2021

28 linesA Pong game composed out of 28 lines of code. Creating one's own games has been the main motivation for many people to learn programming.

Answered By: ZhekaKozlov Date created: Dec 01, 2021

Related Question Answers



How many lines of code is Tetris?

300 linesTetris in 300 lines of code.

Jeet Patel


How many lines of code do you write per day?

50 linesSo writing code must be the most important thing, correct? If the average programmer writes about 50 lines of production code a day. A 50,000 line program would take 1,000 man days to produce. The 50,000 line listing can be entered by a programmer at about 1,000 lines a day or about 50 man days.

Omri Attiya


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153046 linesIt has 153046 lines of code.

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750,000 linesIf I were to guess, I'd say one of the Call of Duty games probably has about 750,000 lines of code in the codebase itself (not counting engine code).

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799,999 linesThen there is Warzone 2100, originally a commercial game, with no less than 799,999 lines of code (was that on purpose?), not counting comments and blanks!



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To create a PowerShell script, all you have to do it open a file, write your code and then save it. PowerShell scripts have a . ps1 extension. Your script can then be run manually or automated to run as a job every day to perform administration tasks.



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It is very hard to estimate how many hours you should code each day. Some people suggest to keep it short and sweet. 15 minutes is good enough. On the other side of the spectrum, I've also heard people got into the development field within a year or so by coding 9 or 10 hours a day.



How many lines of code are in a large project?

Measurement methods. Many useful comparisons involve only the order of magnitude of lines of code in a project. Using lines of code to compare a 10,000-line project to a 100,000-line project is far more useful than when comparing a 20,000-line project with a 21,000-line project.

Athanasios Kataras


How many lines of code are in a modern video game?

A Chevy Volt uses 10 million lines. The Android operating system runs on 12-15 million lines. The Large Hadron Collider uses 50 million lines. Not including backend code, Facebook runs on 62 million lines of code.



How many lines of code are in a project?

500 lines of code implies a relatively simple project, 100,000 lines of code implies a very large/complicated project.

Mykola Golubyev


How many lines of code are in GTA 5?

x = 5; they both compile to the same thing in the end. 380 quadrillion. Somewhere between this ^ and 6 lines of codes are used for each game.



How many lines of code are there in Fallout 4?

Just to give you a good number: Quora—In both the website and the app—has a near total of roughly 70,000,000; Yep, you read that right: 70 million lines of code for just an A2A website.

Nicholas Carey


How many lines of code are typical software packages?

How many millions of lines of code does it take to make the modern program, web service, car, or airplane possible? The range is extraordinary: the average iPhone app has less than 50,000 lines of code, while Google's entire code base is two billion lines for all services.



How many lines of code can a developer maintain?

Every line of code written has a cost, even if it's later removed. Research has shown that a programmer can output between 10 - 20 lines of debugged code per day. That's it. Yes, you may be able to crank out several hundred lines in a day, but you then have to spend the time to ensure that code is working correctly.



How many lines of code does a programmer write per day?

If the average programmer writes about 50 lines of production code a day. A 50,000 line program would take 1,000 man days to produce. The 50,000 line listing can be entered by a programmer at about 1,000 lines a day or about 50 man days.

Warren P


How many lines of code does call of duty have?

If I were to guess, I'd say one of the Call of Duty games probably has about 750,000 lines of code in the codebase itself (not counting engine code).

John Topley


How many lines of code does the average programmer write in a day?

50 lines



How many lines of code does the average website have?

12-15 million lines



How many lines of code is an app?

Meanwhile, mobile operating systems like Android have been engineered as ultra lightweight, built from just over 10 million lines of code.



How many lines of code is an hour?

Counting lines of code is a bad way of measuring the performance of a programmer anyways, but you should be able to write one line in about two minutes so 30 lines per hour would be a good speed.

Martin Gal


How many lines of code is GTA?

GTA have lets say 100 programmers. It took 5 years to develop. 100 coders * 5 years * 12 months * 6000 lines = 36 million lines of code. As said by other answers, properly its few millions lines of code over the period of time.



How many lines of code is in fortnite?

The second version which I am currently working on is currently sitting on 50,000 lines of code and is still incomplete. The AAA games benefit from vast libraries and better game engines though, thus the actual line a developer has to write for that particular game never crosses 100K lines.



How many lines of code is iPhone?

The range is extraordinary: the average iPhone app has less than 50,000 lines of code, while Google's entire code base is two billion lines for all services.



How many lines of code is League of Legends?

There's an additional 120k comment lines - so about one comment for every 8 or 9 lines of code.

Jens A. Koch


How many lines of code is Linux?

12 million lines



How many lines of code is Skyrim?

To give you a hint to how many lines of code goes into a game engine, the recently released doom3 source is close to 600k lines of code.



How many lines of code is too much for one file?

So a source file that is more than 2000 lines is probably too large and starting to be too messy.

Jonas Staudenmeir


What is the average number of lines of code per day?

This is an average of round 50 lines of code per working day. Not so different from the data above. I also looked at how PerfectTablePlan LOC increased over time.



Why lines of code is a bad metric?

Why SLOC is bad as an individual metric of productivity It's how well you've carved it that counts. Similarly it's not how many lines you've written but how well they are functioning. In case of code LOC can backfire as a metric this way. Productivity also changes when writing a complex piece of code.

Rahul Mahadik


How many lines of code does Windows 10 have?

50 Million linesThere is approx.

50 Million lines of Code in Windows 10 .



Power to the Developer!.

Adam Bellaire


How many lines of code is a lot?

An experienced programmer can keep the structure of 30-50K lines of code in their head on a code base they are actively working. Honestly, 10K lines is a small-to-medium application. You start to lose your ability to see the whole picture of code past 50K lines in most cases.

Paul Bellora


How many lines of code is a video game?

The surprising analysis of over 7500 lines of code.



How many lines of code is TikTok?

15 million linesMicrosoft is seeking transfer of TikTok's 15 million lines of code: Faber Report.

Ali Faris


How many lines of code per day is good?

It's pretty typical for solid embedded software to come in at between 1 and 2 lines of code (LOC) per developer-hour. That's 8 to 16 LOC per developer each day, or about 2000-4000 LOC per year. If you want just a single rough number, call it 10 LOC per day per developer.



How many lines of code is in Google?

2 Billion LinesGoogle Is 2 Billion Lines of Code—And It's All in One Place. By comparison, Microsoft Windows—one of the most complex software tools ever built for a single computer—is about 50 million lines.



How many lines of code are in a game?

So if you ask me about classic games, mostly on DS/DSi, they were close to half a million lines of code. But recently the games have been limited to 100–200K lines at max. My last game Hammer, Inc. had close to 10,000 lines of code in the first version.



How many lines of code does Linux have?

The Linux kernel has around 27.8 million lines of code in its Git repository, up from 26.1 million a year ago, while systemd now has nearly 1.3 million lines of code, according to GitHub stats analysed by Michael Larabel at Phoronix.



What does a coder do on a daily basis?

On a typical day, a computer programmer can be involved in many different coding projects. Daily duties might include: Writing and testing code for new programs. Computer programmers work closely with web and software developers to write code for new mobile applications or computer programs.

Ben Thul


How much Cobol code is still in use?

According to Reuters, you can find 220 billion lines of code still in production. From many federal government agencies to your local bank, COBOL is still in use. An estimated 43% of banking systems and 95% of ATM swipes utilize COBOL code.



How many lines of code are in Snapchat?

4452How many lines of code is Snapchat?, The Snapchat app for Android contains 4452 "lines" of code. The iOS version consists of 4691 "lines". The host server only consists of 754 "lines" and is The Snapchat app for Android contains 4452 "lines" of code.



How many lines of code is Photoshop?

Photoshop's CS 6 software contains more than 4.5 million lines of code, while contains more than 500 million. According to the New York Times, "One specialist said that as many as five million lines of software code may need to be rewritten before the Web site runs properly."

Sinh Nguyen


How many lines of code is too much Python?

a) Methods should not have more than an average of 30 code lines (not counting line spaces and comments). b) A class should contain an average of less than 30 methods, resulting in up to 900 lines of code.

Stephen Cleary


How many lines of code is Unity engine?

70,000 linesAbout 70,000 lines for the main game assembly (which is mostly our code). Both counts are ignoring whitespace and comments.

Martin Thoma


How many lines of code should a function have?

Functions should normally be short, between 5-15 lines is my personal "rule of thumb" when coding in Java or C#. This is a good size for several reasons: It fits easily on your screen without scrolling. It's about the conceptual size that you can hold in your head.



How much code can you write in a day?

If the average programmer writes about 50 lines of production code a day. A 50,000 line program would take 1,000 man days to produce. The 50,000 line listing can be entered by a programmer at about 1,000 lines a day or about 50 man days. So what the heck are the developers doing for the other 950 days?

Tushar Sharma


How much code do you write a day?

As we can see, a new developer will probably write about 100 lines of code a day, or about 25,000 lines of code in a given working year. In contrast, a more senior engineer is probably writing about 20 lines of code a day, or about 5,000 lines of code in a given working year.



How do you write test cases for code coverage?

To calculate the code coverage percentage, simply use the following formula: Code Coverage Percentage = (Number of lines of code executed by a testing algorithm/Total number of lines of code in a system component) * 100.

Raja Rama Mohan Thavalam


How many lines of code should a file have?

4,000 lines of code is a lot to maintain all in one file. If you can break it up into smaller classes, I would recommend that. If you can't, then make sure your code is readable. Even if you can split it up you need to make sure your code is readable and documented, but this is especially true with larger files.



How many lines of code are in a Tesla?

150 Million linesThe magic of a Tesla is not the car, it's the software and the IOT network behind it. The average car, according to KPMG, has over 150 Million lines of code in it. As a Tesla owner, given the complexity of my car, I can only imagine my Tesla far exceeds that number.



How many lines of code is Internet Explorer?

50 Million lines of Code in Windows 10 . . . Power to the Developer!