Tablet Wont Draw With Sai
Problem with Sai
started a topic about 2 years ago
The pen works in every other program, but in Paint Tool Sai do this thing and i don't know how to fix this, calibration won't work, and every time the pen lose contact with the tablet it change the distance and position
Orliza Amodia
said about 2 years ago
Hi Lunis, thank you for reporting your problem with your pen on Paint Tool Sai. May you please try to uninstall and reinstall Paint Tool Sai and check if you will still encounter the same problem? Kindly provide the following information as well so we can further check on this issue:
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support
said about 2 years ago
Tablet: KAMVAS GT-156HD V2 Sai: v.1.1.0 When i have "MOUSE" mode everytime the pen lose connection with the tablet the pointer is under the pen and the brush is where the pointer was before and follows keeping the distance. When "PEN" mode i see only the pointer, can't draw and the circle of the brush don't show up. In the properties of sai I checked "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" then the cursor and the brush are "together" but still every time the pen disconnect with the tablet, after "reconnecting" the brush Is where was before and i can draw distant from the brush. Driver: v. When "GAME MODE" is on the brush follows the pointer even after losing connection but the pen sensitivity is not working On other programs like Photoshop or Krita i have no problems. I have 2 monitors and the tablet is the 3rd. Windows 10, and all mine previous wacom drivers are unistalled and I reinstalled sai and the driver, I even disconnected and reconnected the tablet but nothing changed.
Orliza Amodia
said about 2 years ago
Hi Lunis, thank you for providing all the information. Turns out we need to further look into your concern. Thus, I will be converting this into a ticket and we will communicate with you through there. Enjoy your day!
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support
Abraham Claramunt Navarro
said over 1 year ago
buenos días, me ha surgido un problema con la tableta gráfica modelo GT-191V2 resulta que al usar el lápiz es como si siempre tuviese presión haciendo un trazo continuo en cuanto se acerca a la pantalla sin que el lápiz presione esta y resulta muy incomodo ¿como lo puedo solucionar? muchas gracias
Orliza Amodia
said over 1 year ago
Hola, Abraham Claramunt Navarro , lo que estás experimentando es el problema del desplazamiento del lápiz. Por favor, intente los siguientes pasos:
Si no dejó caer el bolígrafo y los pasos 1 a 3 no resuelven su problema, envíe la siguiente información a
Atención al cliente de HUION
Hi Abraham Claramunt Navarro, what you are experiencing is the pen hovering issue. Please try the following steps:
If you haven't dropped your pen and Steps #1-3 do not resolve your issue, please send the following information to
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support
Triantafyllos Valtasar
said over 1 year ago
I have the exact same issue as lunis with my GT-221 pro (windows 10, 1 monitror plus the tablet setup) i tried both mouse and pen mode, in pen mode it's placed correctly but doesn't draw, and in mouse mode it just appears in a different place every time, i also tried the fixes people do with misc.ini and any combination of those but nothing works
Orliza Amodia
said about 1 year ago
Hi Triantafyllos Valtasar,are you currently using the Driver_14.8.90 version? May you please provide the specific Windows 10 and SAI versions you are currently using?
Kindly try the following steps that may help us either resolve your issue or help us determine the root cause, at least:
I will reply to your ticket as well.
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support
said about 1 year ago
Hi, I'm currently having the same issues as Linus andTriantafyllos Valtasar with the Kamvas Pro 16. I've messed with the settings in sai but nothing seems to work. In pen mode the cursor is correct but I can't draw and in mouse mode I can draw but the cursor always ends up in a different location when I lift my pen. I've also tried to solve this issue by changing the settings in the misc.ini file that people were suggesting online, but nothing works. I currently have the latest driver installed that was on the website and I have sai version 1.0.2 on windows 10. I have a two monitor setup and the tablet is my third. I have tried reinstalling both the driver and sai, but still nothing works.
Orliza Amodia
said about 1 year ago
Hi Ashteria, have you followed the steps found in this article: How to Set Your Tablet Display Work Area? If this won't resolve your issue, kindly try to capture a video of the issue and send it over so I can check on it further and I can forward it to our software engineers.
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support
said about 1 year ago
Yes I have the display settings all set up correctly, it's just painttool sai that is having issues. I would also like to mention that I can draw completely fine on clip studio paint, but that's not the main art program I use, sai is. If you need any other info please let me know! Thank you!
Orliza Amodia
said about 1 year ago
Hi Ashteria, thank you for sending your video and for the additional information. Since your tablet works fine on other drawing programs and on the driver, kindly try reinstalling your SAI and see if it will resolve your issue.
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support
said about 1 year ago
Just tried reinstalling sai but it still doesn't work. I'm still having the same issues as before. I've even disconnected and reconnected the tablet as well as reinstalled the driver and nothing works.
Orliza Amodia
said 12 months ago
Hi Ashteria, the SAI 1.0.2 is an old version. May you please try a newer version such as SAI 1.2.5? Better yet, kindly try SAI 2.0 instead.
Best Regards,
HUION Customer Support